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Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
ناڕەزایەتی ١٠٨ ڕێکخراو و گروپی کوردستان دژ بە سیناریۆی دادگاییکردنی دۆسیەی سەردەشت عوسمان

ناڕەزایەتی ١٠٨ ڕێکخراو و گروپی کوردستان دژ بە سیناریۆی دادگاییکردنی دۆسیەی سەردەشت عوسمان



دەنگی ناڕەزایەتی ١٠٨ ڕێکخراو و گروپی کوردستان دژ بە سیناریۆی دادگاییکردنی دۆسیەی سەردەشت عوسمان دەگەیەنرێتە نێوەندە نێودەوڵەتی و پەرلەمان و حکومەتەکانی ئەوروپا وجیهان


ئاشکرایە کە دۆسیەی سەردەشت عوسمان لەئاستێکی جیهانیدا دەنگدانەوەی پەیداکرد و زۆرێک لە ڕێکخراوە جیهانیەکانی مافی مرۆڤ و دەربەست بە ئازادی ڕۆژنامەگەری و ڕادەربڕین هەڵوێستیان دژ بەتیرۆرکردنی سەردەشت عوسمان ڕاگەیاند. بۆیە بە پێویستمان زانی کە لایەنە نێودەوڵەتیەکان ئاگادارکەینەوە لەو هەوڵانەی دەسەڵات دەیدا بۆ دانانی سیناریۆیەکی نادادپەروەرانەی دادگاییکردنی دۆسیەی سەدرەشت عوسمان و دەنگی ناڕەزایەتی ١٠٨ ڕێکخراو و کۆمەڵە و گروپ و دەزگای سیاسی و میدیایی و جەماوەری و مەدەنی کە ” داوای دادگایەکی ئاشکرا و بێلایەن بۆ دۆسیەی سەردەشت عوسمان” دەکەن لەمڕۆوە بگەیەنین بە ڕێکخراوە جیهانیەکانی مافی مرۆڤ . هاوکات ئەم نامەیە دەگەیەنرێت بە پەرلەمان و حکومەت و ڕێکخراوەکانی بەرگریکار لەئازادیەکان. داواکارین لە هەموو کەس و لایەنێکی ئازادیخواز کە هاودەنگمانە لە دابینکردنی دادگایەکی دادپەروەرانە لەکوردستان هاوکاریمان بکات لەگەیاندنی ئەم نامەیە بەو لایەن و ڕێکخراوانەی لە ئەوروپا و ئەمریکا و کەنەدا و ئوسترلیا و شوێنەکانی تر. 


بۆ زانیاری زیاتر پەیوەندی بکەن بە گۆنا سعید (٠٠٤٤٧٨٩٤٢٥٢٧٠٨)

دەقی نامەکە بە زمانی ئینگلیزی :

Date: 17th January 2013

To all Human Rights Organisations

To all Political Parties and Institutions defenders of Human Rights 

To all Organisations defenders of Freedom of journalism, Freedom of Expression and Speech 


The family and friends of Sardasht Osman and the undersigned freedom seeking organisations and groups need your support to establish a fare investigating committee and an independent and public trial for the assassination of the young journalist Sardasht Osman in Iraqi Kurdistan.


Sardasht Osman was a 22 years old Iraqi Kurdish final-year university student from Erbil who was kidnapped on 4 May 2010 outside the College of Arts in Arbil where he studied English. Two days later his body was found in neighbouring Mosul city. His body had bruises and signs of torture and he was killed with a bullet in his mouth. He was known in Iraqi Kurdistan for writing articles criticizing the Kurdistan Regional Government; and in particular the ruling family of Barzani. Some of his articles were published under a pseudonym on several Kurdish websites. 


After almost three years of waiting, his family, friends and the whole society were shocked by the outcomes of the formed investigating committee by Massoud Barzani. According to the shocking report from this committee who alleged that Osman was “tied” to Ansar al-Islam, a Sunni-Kurdish extremist group that has claimed attacks against American and Iraqi forces. “Sardasht Osman was killed by terrorists because he had promised to work with them and then decided not to,” the committee said. They also introduced a person called Hisham Mahmoud Ismail as the main executioner and send the case to court.


Sardasht was turned from a victim of freedom of speech and a free thinking journalist in to a terrorist based on twisted, made up and vague evidences. The truth behind is murder and the reality has been twisted by a partial investigating committee.


Everyone in Iraqi Kurdistan knows that the place where Sardasht was kidnapped near his college is surrounded by Erbil security forces’ armed guards. There are several CCTV cameras operating 24 hours. Furthermore Erbil city’s borders towards other cities are much secured with various barriers and check points by the security forces. All these realties and other facts about who was Sardasht, beside all the threats and his own article about the threats and his expectations to be killed tell a very different story and introduces different evidence to those of the investigating committee. 


The final stage of this set-up was that on 27th March 2012 the first trial took place in Erbil; But this hearing was postponed to several months because of scandalous mistakes in recording dates of the arrest and the confession of the offender; during this first hearing it became very clear that the security forces in Erbil recorded a confession on 30 /08/2010 while the alleged offender was arrested on 08/09/2010, which meant that he had confessed before he was even arrested. Also from to the questioning by Sardasht’s family’ lawyer it became very clear that the offender was in prison even before Sardasht was murdered. 


All above show that this process of investigation and trial of Sardasht’s murder has been twisted, unfair and unjust, the court had acted and still is under the pressure of a political party and therefore is has lost it is very principle of independency. The next day for hearing based on the same investigation and partial court is the 20/01/2013. 


We the under signed organisations and groups urge you to put pressure on the president of Kurdish Region and the Kurdish Regional Government to meet the demands of Sardasht’s family , journalists and freedom seeking people in Iraqi Kurdistan to :


1- Stop and put an end to the current trial scenario and to discharge the biased investigating committee. 


2- Establish a new independent investigating committee formed from representatives from Sardasht’s family, none government organisations and International Human Rights organisations to launch a new investigation. This new committee need to be cooperated with and supported by KRG and the Security forces in Erbil. 


We can reassure you that Sardsaht’s murder has a direct link to the question of Freedom of Speech and Expression in Iraqi Kurdistan; therefore a fare trial, justice and the truth behind this case will have a great impact of the process of establishing a society that protects those basic rights for everyone and will have a direct impact on the security and protection of any opposition voices to the current authority. 


We urge you to show your solidarity with this mass movement and send your letters to KRG representatives in your countries or regions of work.




1. ‘Stop Deportation to Iraq’ Campaign- London

2. 17th February’s Youth Movement

3. Action Group for Transparency and Anti-Corruption In Kurdistan

4. Ala’s Group- Koysinjaqs Office

5. Assembly Center of Gorran (Change) Movement In Kifri

6. Bawanur-Pebaz’s Cultural Foundation

7. Campaign to Free Sayd Akram

8. Center for the Defense of Children’s Rights in Iraq

9. Dang Group – Koysinjaq

10. Democratic Youth Union in Iraqi Kurdistan

11. European – Kurdistan Green Organization  

12. Federation of Civil Organizations in Koysinjaq

13. Federation of Civil Society Organizations in Sulaymaniyah (10 organizations)

14. Freedom House- Netherlands

15. Freedom Umbrella in London 

16. General Federation of Civil Society Organizations in Kurdistan

17. General Union of Students in Kurdistan

18. Goran’s Students Association in Erbil

19. Group of Sociologists and psychiatrists in Sulaymaniyah

20. Halabja 88’s Group

21. Independent Youth’s Group in Kifri

22. International Federation of Iraqi Refugees- Kurdistan Branch 

23. Iraqi Kurd Refugees Organization in Norway

24. Kurdish Community Organization in London

25. Kurdistan Construction Workers’ Organization 

26. Kurdistan Libertarian Women’s Organization 

27. Kurdistan Students’ Development Organization

28. Kurdistan Students Movement – Kifri’s Center

29. Kurdistan Women’s Association – Darbandikhan Branch

30. Kurdocide Watch-Chak

31. Metro Center for the Defense of Journalists in Kurdistan

32. Middle East and Kurdish Women Organization in Britain

33. Network of NGO’s in Kurdistan

34. Organization for the Support of Democracy in Kurdistan

35. Payam Group in Garmyan

36. People’s Development Association (PDA) – Kurdistan

37. Sardasht Osman’s Organization for the Defense of Freedom

38. Tekoshan (Struggle) Center – Dahuk

39. The Committee of the Defense of Public Interests – Khanaqin

40. The Group of Reporters Without Border in Kurdistan

41. The Liberty movement of Karkuk’s People

42. The Movement of Free and Equal Citizens/ Kurdistan

43. The Network of Defending People’s Rights and Freedoms-Kurdistan

44. Vanguard Youth Organization of Kurdistan

45. Volunteer Organization for Human Capacity Development in Kurdistan

46. Warvin Foundation for Women’s Issues 

47. Women Organization (Astera) in Finland

48. Women’s Legal Assistance Organisation / Kurdistan

49. Worker-communist Party of Kurdistan- Organization Abroad

50. Zang League – Bahdinan Office

51. Zar Group for the Defense of Freedom- Erbil

52. Zhyan Organization for Aid and Development/ Iraq

53. Belgium Kurdish Cultural Organisation – Belgium 

54. Medusa Organisation 

55. Centre to Defend Right of Children – Sweden 

56. Nina Centre for Advice and sheltering Women 

57. Iraqi Refugee Council in Gothenburg

58. Stop Deportation Network 

59. International Federation of Iraqi Refugees in Switzerland

60. International Federation of Iraqi Refugees 

61. Communication Worker’s Union – London PCS / Karen Johns 

62. Supporting People’s Demands Committee in Gothenburg / Sweden 

63. Sardsaht Osman Organisation for Defending Freedom Gothenburg / Sweden 

64. Kurdish Society Association / Mushin 

65. Women Association in Sweden

66. Scone Kurd Association in Malmo

67. Kurdistan Culture in Gothenburg / Sweden

68. Garmian Association in Gothenburg  

69. Kurdish Nation Association / Sweden 

70. Youth Association in Sweden 

71. Youth Association in Gothenburg 

72. Matin Association in Sweden 

73. Hoba Art Association in Gutenberg 

74. The fine Arts Association in Gothenburg / Sweden 

75. Kurdistan Academics Association in Gothenburg

76. Campaign against restricting Freedom of Speech 

77. Campaign to defend the freedoms and demands of people in Kurdistan – Denmark 

78. Campaign for the Freedom of Karzan Karim 

79. 17th February Group / Stockholm 

80. Kurdish Studies and Cultural Centre in Gothenburg / Sweden 

81. Halabja Centre against Anfal and Genocide of Kurdish nation – CHAK

82. Kurdish Institute in Stockholm

83. Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party 

84. Workers Communist Party of Kurdistan 

85. Kurdistan Future Party 

86. The Society of Socialist Workers 

87. Communist Party of Kurdistan / Darbandixan Committee

88. Press office of Kurdistan Future Party 

89. Ary Printing and publishing centre

90. Hawlati Newspaper 

91. South Magazine / Badinan

92. Truska Magazine 

93. Penusakan Foundation

94. Hawpshti Foundation 

95. Nasnama Foundation in Finland 

96. Kurdistan Post website 

97. Kurdistan Net website 

98. Kurdish – French Web radio 

99. Rewand Website 

100. Malama website 

101. Malmo Kurd website

102. Aga Press website 

103. Emro website 

104. Board of Directors of the Nation Pain Page


Please send your letter to KRG representative; following is the contact details of their office: 

KRG Representation in the United Kingdom 

 Ms Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman

23 Buckingham Gate (4th Floor) 

London SW1E 6LB

Phone: +44 (0) 203 301 8340

Fax: +44 (0) 207 828 0257


KRG Representation in the USA 

 Mr Qubad Talabani 

1532 16th St., NW 

Washington, DC 20036 

Phone: +1 202 797 7575 

Fax: +1 202 821 1870 



KRG Representation in Australia

Mr Haval A. Syan 

P O Box 491 Liverpool 

NSW 2170 Sydney, Australia 

Phone: 612 98 22 22 72 

Fax: 612 98 22 22 76 



KRG Mission to the European Union 

 Mr Carlos Kurdi (Salim Gravi) 

Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 228 

1050 Brussels 


Phone: +32-2-513 72 28 

Fax: +32-2-513 36 79




KRG Representation in France

Ms Khaman Zirar Asaad 

57 Rue de l’Université 75007 Paris 

Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 10:00 à 18:00 

Telephone : +33145442021 

Fax : +33145442022 



KRG Representation in Germany 

 Mr Dilshad Barzani

P.O. Box 150 101

D-10633 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 2888 495 0

Fax: +49 30 2888 495 29



KRG Representation in Sweden 

 Mr Herish Farhan Khola 

KRG Representation in Switzerland 

Dr Fauzi Kaddur 

Thunstr. 74 

CH-3006 Bern 


Phone: +41 31 352 00 60 

Fax: +41 31 352 00 61 

Mobile: +41 79 601 35 55


For further information about this campaign ; Please contact :

 Gona Saed 

Tel: 00447894252708

Email : 


Please email us a copy of your letter




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